
3 Signs You May Have A Personal Injury Lawsuit After Staying At A Campground

Law Blog

Even though camping should be an experience that allows you some time to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there are also specific dangers that can come along with spending time at a campground. Public campgrounds offer a service to people who want to spend some time in nature, but the owners of these campgrounds have a legal responsibility to keep you safe within reason.

16 July 2020

4 Reasons To Hire A Real Estate Lawyer Besides Buying And Selling

Law Blog

For fairly obvious reasons, the job of a real estate law firm tends to involve a lot of time spent working on the purchases and sales of properties. There are lots of other things these types of practices assist their clients with, though. Here are four of the more common and interesting things a real estate law firm can help you with. Figuring Out Where Your Property Actually Is People tend to get exactly where a property ends a bit wrong.

11 May 2020

Understanding Foreseeability In Injury Law

Law Blog

One of the simplest defenses that someone might assert in an injury case is to claim that the events were not foreseeable. The concept of foreseeability is a big part of what usually determines whether a defendant might owe a plaintiff compensation. If you're preparing to file a claim or have received a rejection of one, it's wise to understand what the idea of foreseeability means to a personal injury lawyer.

11 May 2020

Understanding Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause

Law Blog

The criminal justice system in America can seem pretty complex even for people who have been to court. One thing that a lot of people struggle with is the idea of reasonable suspicion versus probable cause. Both are important to understand when you are facing criminal charges. If you aren't sure what the difference is between these two terms, keep reading for more information. What Is Reasonable Suspicion? Reasonable suspicion is what many officers cite when they pull drivers over or stop them on the street.

31 March 2020

Tips To Prepare Yourself Mentally And Emotionally Before A Divorce Case

Law Blog

Going through a divorce is obviously emotionally difficult. You may now have very different feelings about someone you once loved. But if you want to achieve success in your upcoming divorce case, it's important that you do what you can to keep your emotions in check. One thing that can help you maintain focus and keep your eye on the ball, so to speak, is to go into this process with a clear game plan for how you are going to respond in the courtroom or at the negotiating table if things start to get heated.

2 March 2020

3 Things To Do If The Insurance Company's Settlement Offer Is Too Low After A Car Accident

Law Blog

After a car accident, it is normal to fight for a settlement offer so that you can get help with paying for your accident-related expenses. In many cases, it is beneficial for the insurance company to offer a settlement, too, rather than going through the process of going to court. However, it is common for insurance companies to offer too-low settlements. These are some of the things that you should keep in mind if the insurance company's settlement offer is too low after your car accident.

27 January 2020

Child-Related Issues To Settle In Your Divorce

Law Blog

When settling a divorce where kids are involved, the couple divorcing must take their time with discussing the issues related to the kids that they must settle and agree upon. There are basic issues that couples will already know about, but there are so many other issues that you or your spouse might never think about discussing, yet these issues can be important. Here are some of the issues you should discuss and settle relating to your kids.

7 January 2020

What Are The Chances A Matter Will Go To Probate?

Law Blog

People trying to make sense of the probate process often wonder what the odds of an issue going to probate are. No probate lawyer is going to give you an exact number for the probability of that happening, but they will tell you some of the things that can push the odds one direction or the other. Lack of a Will This is the most common reason for a probate court to get involved with an estate.

4 December 2019

Negligent Maintenance And Truck Accidents

Law Blog

There are numerous causes of truck accidents, and one of them is the poor maintenance of the trucks. Below are some of the specific ways in which poor maintenance can lead to truck accidents and a need for an auto accident attorney. Damaged or Worn Tires A commercial truck can have a gross vehicle weight rating (maximum of weight of loaded truck) in the region of thousands of pounds. This is a considerable amount of weight to put on a tire, which is why large trucks are fitted with multiple of them.

7 November 2019

When You Can't Work: Getting The Benefits You Deserve

Law Blog

It's hard to receive disability benefits, even when you file your paperwork correctly and are not able to go to work. Proving your disability can take some work, and getting denied is common the first time you apply for benefits. A long-term disability lawyer understands the complexities of disability law, and they will be able to give you the support you need to get all of your paperwork in order. You can be denied because you didn't file specific paperwork in time, because your application is not complete, or because there is not sufficient proof of your disability.

10 October 2019