Your Questions Answered About The Fields Of Law

Hello, my name is Susan Farris and my hobby is learning about the law. I have an uncle who is an attorney and I've always looked up to him and that's why I find subjects on law very interesting. Through speaking with my uncle and doing research on my own, I've learned about all the different fields of law. Each field of law centers on its own subject and most attorneys specialize in a certain area of law. These include criminal, personal injury, family, bankruptcy, criminal, immigration and business. I find each one of these fields very interesting and I have the utmost admiration for lawyers because they help people through their legal struggles. I wanted to share this information with others who have questions about the different types of attorneys and the law.

3 Things To Do If The Insurance Company's Settlement Offer Is Too Low After A Car Accident

Law Blog

After a car accident, it is normal to fight for a settlement offer so that you can get help with paying for your accident-related expenses. In many cases, it is beneficial for the insurance company to offer a settlement, too, rather than going through the process of going to court. However, it is common for insurance companies to offer too-low settlements. These are some of the things that you should keep in mind if the insurance company's settlement offer is too low after your car accident.

1. Don't Be Too Tempted

When the insurance company finally contacts you and offers you a settlement, you might be excited to simply be offered something. You might also be in a tough financial situation right now because of your accident, so you might really need the cash. Someone from the insurance company might also tell you that the offer is a one-time offer or that you only have a short period of time to make your decision. All of these things could push you into thinking about accepting a settlement that is not high enough, but it's important to stay strong in these situations.

2. Calculate What You Think Is a More Reasonable Amount

Of course, it's hard to know if a settlement is a good offer or not if you haven't really sat down and thought about it. Before you determine if a settlement is for a reasonable amount or not and before you move forward with fighting for your settlement, you might want to sit down and calculate your expenses related to your accident. This can help you make a more educated decision about whether or not to accept a settlement offer.

3. Contact Your Attorney

Instead of communicating with the insurance company yourself about what you will and will not accept, contact your car accident attorney instead. He or she can help point you in the right direction and give you guidance about whether or not your settlement offer is fair. He or she will also work on the next steps of helping you with your case, such as preparing to fight for a higher settlement amount.

When you are dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, it is important to handle each step of the process in the proper way. Just keep the three points above in mind, and you can make sure that you don't make any mistakes and that you handle the situation in the best way possible.


27 January 2020