Your Questions Answered About The Fields Of Law

Hello, my name is Susan Farris and my hobby is learning about the law. I have an uncle who is an attorney and I've always looked up to him and that's why I find subjects on law very interesting. Through speaking with my uncle and doing research on my own, I've learned about all the different fields of law. Each field of law centers on its own subject and most attorneys specialize in a certain area of law. These include criminal, personal injury, family, bankruptcy, criminal, immigration and business. I find each one of these fields very interesting and I have the utmost admiration for lawyers because they help people through their legal struggles. I wanted to share this information with others who have questions about the different types of attorneys and the law.

4 Reasons To Hire A Real Estate Lawyer Besides Buying And Selling

Law Blog

For fairly obvious reasons, the job of a real estate law firm tends to involve a lot of time spent working on the purchases and sales of properties. There are lots of other things these types of practices assist their clients with, though. Here are four of the more common and interesting things a real estate law firm can help you with.

Figuring Out Where Your Property Actually Is

People tend to get exactly where a property ends a bit wrong. Fortunately, every county in America has a register that includes data from previous surveys of the land. This information can be used to demarcate where your property currently is. Especially if you're dealing with a dispute over where the line sits, this can be a big deal.

Eminent Domain Issues

The rights of local, state, and federal governments to take lands from property owners are pretty extensive. Generally, the government has to give you what can best be described as an extremely fair offer for the location. However, not everyone is looking to make a buck. You do have the right to your day in court so you can explain why a seizure might be unjustified, and having a real estate law firm prepare your case will allow you to present a more cogent argument.


Everyone has had an annoying neighbor at some point. There is a point at which an annoyance posed by a neighbor, however, can become the source of a legal dispute. For example, so-called revenge or hate fences aren't allowed in most jurisdictions. These are structures built for the sole purpose of blocking a neighbor's view.

The laws prohibiting annoyances can cover a lot of ground in some jurisdictions. In some areas, even tall trees that block your view might be deemed legally removable annoyances. Always talk with an attorney about the available options before getting into it with a neighbor. Also, consider potential out-of-court solutions before suing.


One's ability to get in and out of a property is important. This includes scenarios where you may need to get, for example, a pick-up truck into your back yard. Most regions recognize a legal right to pass across a neighbor's property to deal with practical things.

Some states offer even friendlier easements. It's not uncommon, for example, for there to be an easement allowing others to walk within so many feet of a shoreline on someone else's property.

For more information, reach out to a real estate law firm.


11 May 2020